We are...

A volunteer group of scientists, trainees (students, postdocs), administration and staff that are concerned with computing issues faced by CAMH researchers. We meet every Tuesday, 11am - 12pm, in CS 163.

Here's the issue: most science done today requires computing in some form, from spreadsheets to High Performance Computing, but most scientists don't have any formal computer science training. This is a big problem, because software is your experimental apparatus. Just like cleaning test tubes and pipetting, computing is a basic skill you need to be competent with.

Our aims are to:

  1. Organize events and workshops to catalyse learning and sharing of know-how
  2. Advocate and advise on institutional changes to improve scientific computing
  3. Make the software/resources needed by CAMH researchers

Our Projects

Office Hours

Announcing weekly research computing office hours in *CS 163, every Tuesday 1-2pm. All staff, students and trainees welcome to drop in. This is an informal space to ask your knowledgeable colleagues about any computing issue, programming/scripting question, or analysis design.


A five-day, self-paced series of workshops on scientific computing fundamentals Sep 25 - Oct 6. We are covering topics such as Linux, BASH scripting, R, Python, Matlab, Databases, using the CAMH compute cluster, spreadsheets, and databases. Please visit https://camh-scwg.github.io/compucool-fall-2017 to find out more about the workshops and to register.

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